A Complete Guide To LinkedIn Campaign Manager (Fully Updated)

The LinkedIn Campaign Manager User Manual: The Only LinkedIn Ads Guide You'll Ever Need (Updated Regularly)

Linkedin Campaign Manager is at the heart of running a successful Linkedin ads campaign and having solid knowledge of the platform is key to confidently using all the tools given to us by LinkedIn. This Linkedin Campaign Manager Guide is designed to be the only guide you will ever need to get a deep understanding of campaign manager and so you can feel empowered to be an amazing Linkedin advertiser.

Article by Philip Ilic, Linkedin Ads Specialist.

The LinkedIn Campaign Manager User Manual: The Only LinkedIn Ads Guide You'll Ever Need (Updated Regularly)

Linkedin Campaign Manager is at the heart of running a successful Linkedin ads campaign and having solid knowledge of the platform is key to confidently using all the tools given to us by LinkedIn. This Linkedin Campaign Manager Guide is designed to be the only guide you will ever need to get a deep understanding of campaign manager and so you can feel empowered to be an amazing Linkedin advertiser.

Article by Philip Ilic, Linkedin Ads Specialist.

How to set up a LinkedIn Ad account (and get access to Campaign Manager)

The first thing we must do is to sign up for Linkedin ads which will give us access to Linkedin campaign Manager. This is how you do it…


  1. Login into Linkedin.com
  2. Click on ‘Advertise’ on the top bar, or if it is not there, click on ‘Work’ and you should find ‘advertise’ – they change things up sometimes.
  3. Fill out your info and click submit and you will now be taken to the campaign manager. 

Here is a video that goes over the basics of campaign manager and also how to set up an ad account.

An overview of LinkedIn Campaign Manager

When you first log in you will be confronted with something that looks like a fighter aircraft dashboard with a lot of different options, but in this section, we will go over the main points so you get a good overview of the Linkedin Campaign Manager.

Accounts, Campaign Groups, Campaigns, and Ads

The first thing to understand is that Campaign Manager is organised in a hierarchical order. There are campaign groups in Accounts, campaigns in campaign groups and ads in campaigns. You can have multiple ads in a campaign and multiple campaigns in campaign groups. 


Accounts: This is where you have all the accounts you manage. If you are like me and do this for a living, this will be filled with all the clients accounts you manage.


Campaign Groups: Each campaign group can hold up to 2,000 campaigns in it, which is more than you will ever need. But I would think of campaign groups as a way to organise your Linkedin marketing objectives. If for example, you have one campaign which is focused on converting traffic to scheduled phone calls and another objective to get people to a webinar, then you can potentially separate this into two different campaign groups. This can make it more clear when you are analysing your campaigns.


On the campaign groups level you can also toggle on and off all the campaigns with one toggle button which can be useful if you do not plan to run ads after work hours and weekends and need to constantly turn them on and off each day.


Please note: when you start your account you will automatically have a campaign group called Default Campaign Group. You can not change the name of this and I would avoid using it.


Campaigns: This is where you will spend most of your time analysing and understanding your results. It is important to have really clear naming conventions when setting up each campaign as it will become confusing and messy very quickly if you are too descriptive (for my naming convention see below).


Ads: This is where we can see information about the ad creative and copy. And as mentioned you can have multiple ads in one campaign. This is useful so we can effectively a/b test copy, creatives and your offer. I will often have at least 4-6 ads for each campaign, each testing different variables. Our objective here is to increase the Click Through Rate (to understand what you are aiming for, please see the benchmark section below).  


How to add your payment method in Linkedin Campaign Manager

You will have to add a payment method before running any campaigns and you can do this by clicking on your Ad Account name on the top bar, then ‘Billing Center’.


In the billing centre you can also add any coupons you receive from Linkedin. 


How to get coupons from Linkedin?

This is a bit cheeky, but if you reach out to a Linkedin ads rep and ask for a coupon they should give you a 0-100 dollar coupon. I have had coupons up to 1000 dollars but I do not know anyone else who got this. 


You will by default be the billing admin, but you can change this and give access to other people.


How to give access to your Linkedin Ads Account

  1. Click on the ad account name in the top bar
  2. Click on ‘Manage Access’

Now you will be given the option to add people so they can collaborate with you on your ad account in different roles.

If you click on ‘Add user to account’ then you will be given a search bar which you then need to type in the person name you want to add.


Please note:  the person you would like to add needs to have a LinkedIn personal profile and they have to be connected to your personal profile for you to grant them access.


Linkedin Ad Roles: You can grant your colleagues, freelancer or agency the following Linkedin ad roles.


Account Manager: This is the top-level access you can give someone and has total access to your account. Normally I ask for this level of access if the client has limited knowledge on how to set things up. But for someone to manage your campaigns for you they do not need this level of access.


Campaign Manager: This is the level of access someone needs to run and edit campaigns and post ads for the account. This is sufficient for most cases.


Creative Manager: This makes sense if you have a copywriter or graphic designer who you do not want to grant them access to touch the campaigns in any way, just the ability to add creative and copy. I very rarely use this, but I can see the utility in larger organisations.


Viewer: As it says in the description in the image, this allows someone just to view the campaigns and ads. I ask for this access when I do an audit of an account and just need to rummage around without changing anything. This could be useful for an investor who knows what he’s looking at (not often the case).


Billing Admin: This is automatically assigned to the person who sets up the account but can be changed by adding the person you want to make a billing admin. The billing admin will have access to add and change payment methods and view billing history.

How to set up your first LinkedIn ads campaign

In this section, I will guide you on how to set up your first campaign and give a detailed overview of all the sections from the objectives, the targeting, ad formats and bidding.


To start setting up your first Linkedin Ad campaign, click on ‘Create’ and then ‘campaign’.

You will then be asked which camping group you would like to use. I would recommend using a new campaign group and not the default one which you cannot change the name off. Once you click on your campaign group, click ‘Next’.



This is where you have to pick your objective and in this section I will go over each of the Linkedin objectives one by one. Ultimately it is good to get a deep understanding of each one, but you will soon find yourself using only 2-3 of them.

You may notice that the objectives section is split into three rows – Awareness, Consideration and Conversion.

This is designed in a very similar way as Facebook and the idea is that with marketing you start with awareness, i.e. letting people know you exist, then get them to consider you by showing them the features and benefits, and lastly drive conversions by asking them to take an action such as to sign up to something, book in a sales call or download a lead magnet.

With Linkedin, as the platform is mostly used for lead generation by b2b sales-led businesses, we in practicality have to focus on conversions much sooner as the cost can spiral out of control quite quickly with the classic strategy. More often than not we need to start with consideration of even go straight in for the conversion.

Brand Awareness

The Brand Awareness objective is designed to drive reach and impressions. This simply means it is designed to show the ad to as many people as many times as you desire (with limitations). This is often confused with the ‘Engagement’ objective (see below) but it is different in the ad formats you can use with each, and the way Linkedin Campaign manager allows you to bid.

With Brand awareness, you get additional ad formats over engagement and you bid by the reach or by the impression shown.

Although I rarely use Linkedin’s Brand Awareness objective (see the Linkedin ad Objectives Strategy section below) one of its use cases maybe if you would like to do a ‘Follower Ad’. A follower ad is a dynamic ad with the objective to get people to follow your company page. The Brand Awareness objective is only one of two objectives that allow this ad format (the other being Awareness).

Ad formats:

  • Sponsored content
  • Text Ads
  • Dynamic Ads 

Bidding types

  • Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

Website Visits

The Linkedin Website visits objective is one of the objectives I use most often, and one I would recommend using if you are looking to send people off from the platform to landing pages. Although the Website Conversion objective is designed to get people to take an action off from the platform such as the opt-in for some gated content or to sign up to a demo for example, in practice I find Website Visits performs either better or the same in driving actions. This is my recommendation if you are sending people to a landing page to drive an action or just traffic. 

Ad formats:

  • Sponsored content
  • Text Ads
  • Spotlight Ad
  • Sponsored Message
  • Event Ad

Bidding types

  • Per Click (CPC)
  • Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)


The Linkedin Engagement objective is designed to drive on-platform engagement with your ads. This means likes, comments, shares etc. With the engagement objective, you can only bid by the engagement. This means every time someone enages with your ad you will get charged. I mostly do not use this objective as it can burn your budget really quickly and most of the time I work with driving conversions, such as opt-ins. 

Ad formats:

  • Sponsored content
  • Follower Ad
  • Conversation Ad
  • Event Ad

Bidding types

  • Engagement Clicks
  • Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

Video Views

As the name suggests, The Linkedin Video View objective is designed to drive video views. With this format you bid by the ‘Video View’ which is a 2 continuous seconds of someone watching your video, or by the impressions i.e it just showing up in someones feed. I would always recommend a/b testing this, but I have found more success with video views. The only reason to use this objective is to use video to engage your persona, then retarget them with ads asking for a deeper action such as an opt-in or a phone call. 

Ad formats:

  • Video Ad (part of Sponsored Content)

Bidding types

  • Per Video View (2 continuous seconds counts as a video view)
  • Per Thousand Impressions

Lead Generation

This is the most used Linkedin ad objective and one I recommend starting with all new Linkedin advertisers. This is the objective that gives certain ad formats (see below) the ability to have a lead generation form attached to them.

A lead generation form is a form that pops up when someone clicks on an ad which makes it very easy for the prospect to leave their personal information and opt-in to your marketing. The reason why this is great is that it keeps the prospect on the platform increasing the ease to submit their information and trust as they never leave Linkedin. 

Ad formats:

  • Sponsored content
  • Sponsored Messaging

Bidding types

  • Per Click (CPC)

Talent Leads 

This is a new ad format being rolled out at the time of writing. This objective is supposed to be used for building up a pipeline of interested talent for your company. I have yet to experiment with this but will update the blog once I do.

Ad formats:

  • Sponsored Content
  • Dynamic Ads (Spotlight only)

Bidding types

  • Per Landing Page Click (CPC)
  • By the thousand impressions (CPM)

Website Conversions

This is the one that is designed to drive conversions off from the platform. Possibly this will improve in the future, but for now, I have found that Linkedin does not have enough data on people to know who is more likely to convert.

 I would use Website Visits over conversions for now. This is surprising for Facebook Advertisers as we would 90% of the time choose Conversions over Traffic which is the equivalent on that platform. Facebook has much more data on people (IOS 14 is making this more difficult) so it is better at knowing who might convert over another person. This is not the case with LinkedIn. 

Ad formats:

  • Sponsored content
  • Text Ad
  • Spotlight Ad
  • Sponsored Messaging

Bidding types

  • Per Click (CPC)
  • Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

Job Applicants 

The Linkedin Objective of Job Applicant is designed to drive applications for a new job opening. 

Ad formats:

  • Single Job Ad
  • Jobs Ad
  • Single Image Ad
  • Spotlight Ad

Bidding types

  • Per Landing Page Click (CPC)
  • Per Thousand Impressions (CPM)

Linkedin Ads Objectives Strategy

I would recommend using only 2 ad objectives. The first is Lead generation. This is a great one to start with as it keeps prospects on the platform, they are easy to set up and hard to get wrong. The key to getting a LinkedIn lead generation ad working is to have a really incredible offer. 


The next one I would recommend is Website Visits. This is if you want to send traffic from Linkedin to a landing page to convert the traffic into leads. As mentioned above, the Website Conversions objective does not seem to do the job it is designed for and all my a/b tests have shown that either Website traffic performs the same or better than Website conversion, for driving conversions.

I would also use Video Views to warm up the prospects first, then retarget by the percentage watched with deeper actions, such as asking them to exchange their personal information for some valuable gated content. Or possible to go to my sales page, where the call to action is to schedule a demo or sales call.

Targeting and Audience

In this section, we will go over all the different targeting options given to us by Linkedin and then later I will go over-targeting strategy and the way I would recommend targeting.

The first thing to note is that Linkedin has separated the targeting into two buckets. The first is called ‘Audiences’ and this is where you retarget audiences, target your company or people lists, and where you choose lookalikes.

The second is ‘Audience Attributes’. This is where you could target your audience with firmographic and demographic options. 


  • List Upload: this is where you will be able to choose from a list of contacts or companies you have uploaded to Linkedin. The company lists is a great option if you are doing an Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategy, as you can target a list of accounts and layer that on with job title, function or seniority.

 Check out my article on ABM and Linkedin advertising here. 

  • Lookalike: This is where you can create a lookalike audience or where you previously created lookalikes can be chosen to target. 
  • Retargeting: This is where you can retarget numerous different things such as:
      • Company page – this is anyone who visited or clicked on a call to action on your company page.
      • Events – this is anyone who engaged with your Linkedin events. 
      • Lead Gen Form – this is anyone who opened and submitted or just submitted a lead gen form. 
      • Video – here we can retarget anyone who has watched a certain percentage of a video we have running from 25-97%. 
      • Website – this is where you can retarget anyone who has visited your website. You first need to instal the Linkedin insight tag. 
  • Third-Party: This is where you can integrate your third-party data provider and use this as a targeting source. 

Audience Attributes

This is where we will go to target new audiences through demographic and firmographic options. 

  • Company – this option gives us an array of firmographic options which is unique to Linkedin. 
      • Company Category – this is where companies have been put into groups or buckets based on some kind of list or segment. For example ‘Fortune 500’ or ‘London Stock Exchange. 
      • Company Connections – this allows you to target the 1st connections of employees from selected companies. This is only available for companies that have over 500 employees. 
      • Company Growth Rate – this is to target companies that are growing at a certain rate. Some of the options for example are ‘10-20% company growth’. Growth here means new employees and not in revenue (I believe). 
      • Company Industries – this is where you can select the industry you want to target specifically. 
      • Company Names – this is where you can type in the names of specific companies you want to target. If you have a large list of companies it may be easier to upload a list as mentioned in the above ‘Audiences’ section.
      • Company Size – this is where you can select the company size in terms of how many employees it has. Number of employees often reflect revenue, but this changes depending on the industry. 
  • Demographics – this option allows us to target by age and gender. 
      • Age – as we do not give our age to Linkedin it assumes the age based on your job title. I would not recommend this as a targeting type most of the time. 
      • Gender – we do not state our gender to Linkedin, so it is assuming this based on whether our name is more female or male. Obviously, this can be inaccurate. 
  • Education – This is an interesting option as we can target people based on what degree they have, what school they attended or the general field of study. 
      • Degrees
      • Field of study
      • Member school
  • Job Experience – one of the most useful options, here we can target based on job title, skill, department and experience. 
    • Job function – this is like departments such as the HR department or IT. 
    • Job Seniority – this is the option to choose if you want to filter by whether they are managers, directors, owners, VP etc. 
    • Job Title – the most used option by all Linkedin advertisers. This is where we can target by the job title (obviously). 

Please note, Linkedin only recognises roughly 40% of job titles as the job title field is a free form field. This means if you only target by job title you are missing out on 60% of your target audience (please see targeting strategy below). 

  • Member Skills – this is a great option in certain situations. This is where we target by skills people state they have on Linkedin. 
  • Years of experience – this is where we can target people by the number of years they have worked from 1 – 12 years. 
  • Interests and traits – this is where you will be able to target by interested groups and traits. 
    • Member Interests – this is where we can target based on the interest the prospect has. 
    • Member Groups – This is a really great option as Linkedin groups are clunky so anyone who is in a LinkedIn group is possibly both passionate about the topic of the group and also uses LinkedIn more than the average person. 
    • Member Traits – this is where we can target certain traits such as ‘ex-pat’ or ‘Job Seekers’ or Frequent traveller’. 

Linkedin ads targeting strategy

Although there seem to be many different variations for targeting I would recommend the following 5:

    1. Job title + Industry – this is the targeting type everyone goes for first, and I would use this as a benchmark and just one of the ways I target. Although targeting by job title will be the most accurate, it is also potentially not the most affordable. Linkedin has a free form field to type in your job title, so it only recognises roughly 40% of the job titles members have. This means the other 60% you are missing out on are underserved and cheaper to target if we use one of the other targeting types mentioned below. So use the Job title targeting type as a benchmark, but a/b test it with the other types. 
    2. Groups + Seniority – Linkedin groups are relatively clunky and not very user friendly. As a result, many people who are part of a Linkedin group are very passionate about the topic which the group is about. It also indicates these users spend more time on the platform. I find targeting by a list of Linkedin groups can perform better than job titles. Do not miss this. 
  • Skill + Seniority – skills can be an incredible way to target your prospects. In fact sometimes, but not always, it can even be the best. If you want to target me for example, my job title of ‘Linkedin ads specialist’ does not actually exist but you could target me with the skill ‘Linkedin ads’ effectively. I recommend going for long-tail skills. So not just ‘marketing’ for example which everyone feels they have, but something more specific like conversion rate optimisation. 
  • Job Function + Seniority – by job function Linkedin means department. If you layer on a department with a seniority layer, this could be a great way to target the people you are missing out on with just the job title option.
  1. Company list targeting – this is an incredible way to get hyper-specific with who you target. With this, you can upload a list of between 300 – 300,000 companies into LinkedIn (around 3-10k is recommended) and layer it on with function or job title. This is amazing if you are running an ABM strategy. We can target a list of accounts that sales have determined as high value with content. 

PLEASE NOTE: Untick the check box labels ‘Enable Audience Expansion’. We do not really want to give LinkedIn too much control over who we want to reach as one of the key benefits of Linkedin is that we can be so specific with who we target, and therefore we should maintain that control.

Ad Formats

Sponsored content 

Sponsored content is the most commonly used ad format and for a good reason. It is one of the best-performing ad formats, takes up prime real estate in the LinkedIn feed, and looks like an organic post. You can now do 4 different types of sponsored content from single image, carousel, video and now event ads, which are a new addition. With Sponsored content, you can also choose Lead Generation as an objective which will add a lead gen form to the ad.

Ad types

  • Single Image ad
  • Carousel Ad
  • Video Ad
  • Event Ads 

Sponsored content works with the following objectives:

  • Brand Awareness
  • Website visits
  • Video Views (Just video ad format)
  • Lead Generation
  • Website conversions 
  • Job Applicants 

Sponsored Content Specs

Copy specs

  1. Headline
    1. 200 characters max
    2. 70 characters to avoid truncation
  2. Introductory text
    1. 600 characters maximum
    2. 150 characters to avoid truncation

Image Specs

  1. Supported file types: JPG, PNG, GIF.
  2. Max file size: 5 MB
  3. Horizontal/landscape: 1.91:1
    1. Minimum: 640 x 360 pixels
    2. Maximum: 7680 x 4320 pixels
  4. Square: 1:1
    1. Minimum: 360 x 360 pixels
    2. Maximum: 4320 x 4320 pixels
  5. Vertical: 1:1.91
    1. Minimum: 360 x 640 pixels
    2. Maximum: 2340 x 4320 pixels

Dynamic Ads 

Dynamic ads put the profile picture of the person you are targeting next to the picture of your company profile image in which the add account is connected to. 

I would not recommend this ad format most of the time as we can achieve better results with either text ads or sponsored content, depending on your objective. 

Ad types

  • Follower Ad
  • Spotlight ad 
  • Jobs Ads

Dynamic Ads works with the following objectives:

  • Brand Awareness (Follower ad + Spotlight Ad + Event Ad)
  • Website Traffic (just Spotlight Ad)
  • Engagement (Follower Ad + Event Ad)
  • Website Conversions (Only Spotlight Ad)
  • Job Applicants (Jobs Ad + Spotlight Ad)

Text Ads 

Text ads are the ads on the right rail of the feed. They have some of the lowest click-through Rates (on average 0.02-0.03%) but also one of the cheapest costs per click you are going to get. Although you will get low volume, Text Ads are one of my favourite formats as you will get some of the cheapest clicks and leads compared to the other formats. 

Ad types

  • Text Ad

Text Ads works with the following objectives:

  • Brand Awareness
  • Website Visits
  • Website Conversion

Sponsored Messaging

Sponsored messaging is the Linkedin ad format that allows you to send direct messages to your target audience. Whereas the only sub-format for Sponsored Messaging was Inmail originally, Linkedin introduced Linkedin Conversation ads last year which are more of a chatbot type experience. 

Sponsored Messaging ad types 

  • Message Ad
  • Conversation Ad

Sponsored Messaging works with the following objectives:

  • Brand Awareness (only Message Ad)
  • Website Visits (Message Ad + Conversation Ad)
  • Engagement (Only Conversation Ad)
  • Lead Generation (Message Ad + Conversation Ad)
  • Website Conversion (Message Ad + Conversation Ad)

Ad Format Strategy

I would always start with Sponsored content for any new marketer, and use this as a benchmark as this is the format that more often than not gets the best results. I would completely avoid dynamic ads most of the time.

I would use conversation ads over InMail the majority of the time. Conversation ads get better results as it offers our target audience multiple options which increases the click-through rates. 

Text ads are really powerful. Although they have extremely low click-through rates at on average 0.2-0.3% (that’s 1 person clicking though for every 2,000 – 3,000 times your ad is shown, they are also the cheapest click you will get. Running them in the background is always a good idea, especially if you are bidding by the click as you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. 


This section is basically about whether or not you want your ads on the Linkedin Audience network. The Linkedin Audience network is a list of other websites that have partnered with LinkedIn and where LinkedIn ads will be shown if you do not untick this box. According to Linkedin, your ads will be shown up to 25% more if you opt-in for the Linkedin ads network. Finding information on who specifically is a part of the Linkedin audience network is not possible from my research. 

My opinion of the Linkedin Audience Network is that I will not use it most of the time. The reason is that I am paying premium dollars to use Linkedin to reach high-value prospects when they are in the right mind frame on Linkedin, so I would rather focus my budget on hitting them just when they are using the platform. If you have a large budget that needs to be spent quickly then this may be a good option for you.

Budget And Schedule

The budget and schedule section is where we choose how much we want to spend and when we want campaigns running. 


On Linkedin, you have  2 options when it comes to setting your budget:

  1. Daily. 
  2. Lifetime. 
  3. Both Daily and lifetime. 


You can set both a start date and a finish date in this section. 


The bidding section is where we set the bidding parameters for our ads. In this section, we choose our budget, how we bid, and the optimisation goals. Getting your LinkedIn bidding Strategy correct is normally the defining factor of whether your ads work or not.

Optimization Goal

The optimisation goal tells LinkedIn what you want it to optimise for i.e. if you would rather bid by the thousand impressions or by the click. The options presented for the optimisation goal change depending on which objective you choose. I would always recommend optimizing for the highest value result you want. So instead of an impression, select by the click. This is also important to maintain as much control and to keep your costs down (See below for Bidding strategy). 

(Linkedin’s) Bidding Strategy 

Linkedin offers 4 different options for the way you bid here (Toggle down for the third and fourth). The 4 options are:

  1. Maximum Delivery (Automated) – according to Linkedin this option uses machine learning to get you the best results according to your optimisation goal. Sounds good right! In reality, what it does is spend your money really quickly and not efficiently at all. I would never use this option. 
  2. Target Cost – this option is geared to cap how much you pay per optimization goal. So if this is a landing page click then you can input the maximum you would like to pay per landing page click for example. 
  3. Manual bidding – this option gives you full control over how much you bid. This is the option I would highly recommend. 
  4. Enhanced Bidding – This option is an add on to Manual Bidding, and is designed to give Linkedin the flexibility to go after ‘…more valuable clicks’ by bidding higher. The way it decides what is a more valuable click is a secret. But I would not choose this option. It gives Linkedin the freedom to add an extra 45% to your bid for those extra value clicks. This maybe have utility if I have a small but high-value audience type and where my primary focus is to get in front of them over cost. 

PLEASE NOTE:  if you choose Manual Bidding, LinkedIn has its own recommendation of what you should bid on and what it recommends. Ignore this completely and follow my strategy below as this is always much higher than what I end up bidding successfully. 


(My) Bidding strategy

My recommendation is always to take as much control as possible when it comes to your Linkedin ads bidding. This means picking Manual Bidding and unticking the box which turns your bidding into enhanced bid type. 

The Linkedin Ads strategy:

  1. Always bid by the click. This gives you the most control over your campaigns and you only pay when you get an action rather than by the impression. 
  2. Choose Manual bidding (untick enhanced bidding checkbox)
  3. Type in a small number in the box where you state your bid amount (type 1 or 0.1). 
  4. Next to the box, it will now tell you Linkedin’s minimum bi for this specific audience. This is the bidding floor.  Bid that to start with. 

I would start by always bidding on the floor then check how much Linkedin spends over the course of a day or two. If you spend less than your budget, then increase your bid by 10-30 cents. Keep increasing your bid until you are spending your daily budget. 

Once you are spending your budget each day based on increasing your bid slowly you are now bidding as low as you can for the budget you want to spend. Well done! 

IMPORTANT: Crazy Linkedin ads strategy if you have high Click Through Rate (CTR) 

As mentioned above, always start by bidding by the click as this will save you a ton of budget if your click-through rate is average or below average. 

BUT, if you find your Click Through Rate is really high, say over 0.8%, or ideally over 1% (for LinkedIn this is good!) then you know people are clicking on your ad, and now you can switch this to bidding by the thousand impressions (CPM). 

What this does is pushes your ad to show up as much as possible in front of your target audience and it can actually get you a cost per click that is lower than the floor Linkedin allows you to bid by the click. This only works if your CTR is high. If you CTR is low and you are paying for a load of impressions but very few ppl are clicking through, then it is not a good strategy and this will burn your budget quickly.

Linkedin Ads Tracking and the Linkedin Insight Tag

In this section, we go over the Linkedin insight tag, conversion tracking and matched audiences. 

The Linkedin Insight Tag

The Linkedin insight tag is a snippet of javascript code much like other tracking tags such as the Facebook pixel, which you put on your website and collects data on the users. The data collected with this tag is unique and in my opinion possibly more valuable than others. With the Linkedin Insight Tag, we can see job-specific demographic data on users who visit your website. This is unique to Linkedin because LinkedIn can match this data with its 700 million users which share job-related information with the platform.

For more information on the linkedin Insight tag and how to instal it, please check out this article i wrote here. 

Matched Audiences

Matched audiences are where you can set up your custom audiences including company targeting, contact targeting and retargeting audiences. 

In the matched audience section, you can create a number of audience such as:

  • Contact list – this is where you upload a list of contacts to target.
  • Company list – this is where you upload a list of companies that you can target. 
  • Event – here you can target anyone who clicked on ‘Attending Event’ on your Linkedin event.
  • Lead Gen Form – here you can target anyone who opened your lead gen form and submits and anyone who just submitted. You can use just submitted as an exclusion to target anyone who just opened but has not submitted your lead gen form. 
  • Company page – with this you can target anyone who visited your company page or anyone who clicked on a call to action on your company page. 
  • Video Views – this is where you can create an audience that has watched a percentage of your video including 25%, 50%, 75% and 97%.
  • Website – this is where you can create audiences from your entire website or pages from your website. YOu will need to have a Linkedin insight tag installed for this to work. Please see this article to see how to do this in more detail. 

Lookalike – this is where you can select an audience as your source which LinkedIn will go out and create a lookalike based on those data points.

How do you name Naming Conventions?

This is a little out of the scope of this article, but I would highly recommend Linkedin advertisers set out their naming conventions as Linkedin campaign managers can start to get messy quickly. For more information on how I do naming conventions please see this loom video here.

Useful Resources & Tutorials 

I hope you found this ebook helpful. Down below, I’ve listed some links to tutorials that you might find useful if you’re looking to set up LinkedIn ads. 

How To Run Successful LinkedIn Ads in 2021 – a step by step 38-minute tutorial where we cover all the fundamentals of running LinkedIn ads. 

LinkedIn Campaign Manager Tutorial – a 9-minute video that’ll give you a deep overview & bring you up to speed on how LinkedIn Campaign Manager works. 

Lead Generation Forms (step by step tutorial) – this 10-minute tutorial will show you how to use lead generation forms & get the cheapest cost per lead. 

Which LinkedIn Ads Objectives – Explained (2021) – in this 13-minute video, I cover how to properly use the right LinkedIn ads objectives to your advantage.

Philip Ilic | B2B Growth Specialist

Phil helps B2B SaaS companies with growth marketing and is a deep specialist in Linkedin advertising and paid social more generally (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). He runs a paid social agency called Superlumen.co and is the founder of B2Bhero.co.

Philip Ilic

Philip Ilic

B2B Growth Specialist

Phil helps B2B SaaS companies with growth marketing and is a deep specialist in Linkedin advertising and paid social more generally (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). He runs a paid social agency called Superlumen.co and is the founder of B2Bhero.co.



  1. How to write the best B2B follow up email sequence to drive massive growth (Fully Explained) - B2B HERO - […] LinkedIn Campaign Manager Article – this is a mega article which is everything you need to know about Linkedin…

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