Video Strategy for Personal Branding on LinkedIn


In a digital landscape increasingly dominated by AI-generated content, video emerges as the ultimate tool for genuine engagement and trust-building on LinkedIn. A successful video strategy hinges on four essentials: a clear objective, authenticity, value, and conciseness. My own journey with LinkedIn videos has garnered not just views but deep, meaningful interactions, underscoring the format’s efficacy for personal branding. 

Main Takeaways

  1. Cutting through the AI noise on LinkedIn: In an era where AI-generated content is on the rise, video offers a breath of fresh air. It’s genuine, it’s authentic, and most importantly, it’s you. This makes video the go-to format for building trust and cutting through the AI noise on LinkedIn.
  2. Essential Video Strategy Components:
    • Clear Objective: Know your goal—whether it’s brand awareness, engagement, or lead generation.
    • Authenticity: Authenticity is more crucial than ever, especially when AI-generated content can erode trust.
    • Value: Provide actionable insights or solutions to common problems.
    • Conciseness: Keep it short and impactful; your message should be both heard and remembered.
  3. Real-world Success Stories: My Own Journey: My videos on LinkedIn have not only garnered thousands of impressions but have also led to deep, meaningful interactions. This proves the efficacy of video for personal branding.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
    • The Landscape of LinkedIn: A Sea of Content
    • Why Video is Your Golden Ticket
    • The AI Dilemma: Efficiency vs Authenticity
  2. The Power of Video in Personal Branding 
    • Real-world Success Stories: My Own Journey
  3. Crafting Your Video Strategy for LinkedIn
    • Essential Video Strategy Components
    • Types of Video Content: Choose Your Flavor
    • Measuring Success: Metrics That Matter
  4. Tools and Software for Creating Impactful Video Content
  5. The Power of Consistency and Cross-Platform Strategy
  6. Future Trends in Video Content on LinkedIn
  7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  8. Conclusion


The Landscape of LinkedIn: A Sea of Content

LinkedIn is more than just a professional networking site; it’s a bustling marketplace of ideas, skills, and yes, content. But here’s the rub: the platform is awash with articles, posts, and a growing tide of AI-generated content. It’s like standing in a room where everyone is shouting, but no one is listening. So, how do you make your voice heard?

Types of Content: Pros vs Cons

Type of ContentProsCons
ArticlesInformativeEasily Overlooked
Text PostsQuick to CreateLow Engagement
AI-GeneratedEfficientLacks Authenticity

Main Takeaway: In a sea of diverse content, standing out is more challenging than ever.

Why Video is Your Golden Ticket

The answer is as clear as your next video post—video content. Video isn’t just another type of content; it’s a game-changer for personal branding. Here’s why:

  1. Cuts Through the Noise: In a world where AI-generated content is becoming the norm, video offers a breath of fresh air. It’s genuine, it’s authentic, and most importantly, it’s you.
  2. Builds Brand Recognition: When people see and hear you, they’re not just consuming your content; they’re experiencing your brand. It’s a level of engagement that text or images alone can’t achieve.

The AI Dilemma: Efficiency vs Authenticity

AI-generated content is quick, it’s easy, and let’s be honest, it’s pretty darn good. But it lacks the human touch, and people can tell. There’s a growing skepticism around content that looks “too polished” or “too perfect.” In the world of personal branding, trust is everything, and video helps you build that trust.

Trust Levels by Content Type

Content TypeTrust Level
Human-Generated TextMedium

The Power of Video in Personal Branding

Why Video Cuts Through the Noise

In today’s digital age, the term “noise” takes on a whole new meaning. It’s not just about volume; it’s about relevance and authenticity. And let me tell you, nothing cuts through the noise like video. But why is that?

  1. Human Connection: Video allows for nuances like tone, facial expressions, and body language, offering a fuller picture of who you are.
  2. Immediate Engagement: With video, you grab attention right away. No need for people to scroll through a wall of text.

Why Video Works

Why Video WorksImpact on Audience
Human ConnectionBuilds Trust
Immediate EngagementIncreases Retention

Main Takeaway: Video offers an immediate and authentic form of engagement that text or images can’t replicate.

Real-world Success Stories: My Own Journey

The Highs: When Video Content Hits the Mark

One of my videos on LinkedIn, where I talked about using AI in content creation, was a smashing success, racking up 3,000 impressions, 32 likes, six meaningful comments and two reposts. The audience was genuinely interested, and the engagement was through the roof.

The Lows: When Things Don’t Go As Planned

Interestingly, another video where I showcased my AI content workflow didn’t perform as well in terms of impressions as the video about AI in content creation. It was a head-scratcher, but it led to some valuable insights.

The Silver Lining: Deep Engagement Over Surface Metrics

Despite the lower impressions, the workflow video had a unique form of success. People were linking it in their comments, encouraging others to check it out. This type of content, where you show your workflow, engages people on a deeper level. It connects them not just to the content but to each other, creating a ripple effect that should, in theory, push the video further.

In my case, it led to two people reaching out to me, wanting to know how they could implement a similar strategy. Now, I don’t offer this as a service, but if I did, these could have easily turned into sales calls and revenue.

Results of Both Video Posts

Type of VideoMetricsAudience ReactionUnintended Benefits
AI in Content Creation3,000 ImpressionsHighly EngagedNone
Workflow ShowcaseFewer ImpressionsDeep Engagement2 Direct Messages

The Bigger Picture: What This Means for Personal Branding

These experiences taught me that video content can serve multiple purposes. It’s not just about the immediate metrics; it’s about the deeper connections you can form and the potential for future opportunities, like sales calls and revenue streams through more DM connections. 

Main Takeaway: Video content on LinkedIn can be a multifaceted tool for personal branding, capable of generating both immediate engagement and long-term opportunities. Right now, my focus is on driving people to my blog and YouTube channel. But the potential for turning this into a revenue stream is undeniable.

Summary Table: The Importance of Video for Personal Branding on LinkedIn

Benefit Why It’s Important
Cuts Through AI Noise In an era where AI-generated content is on the rise, video offers a unique advantage by being genuine and authentic, thereby building trust.
High Reach More impressions mean more people are seeing your content, increasing brand awareness.
Deep Engagement Video content often leads to meaningful interactions, building stronger relationships.
Personal Connection Videos allow for a more personal connection, as viewers can hear your voice and see your face.
Direct Interaction Sometimes videos lead to valuable interactions like direct DMs.
Trust Building Authenticity in videos can help build trust, a crucial element in personal branding.

Crafting Your Video Strategy for LinkedIn

The Essentials: What Every Video Needs

Video Essentials Why It Matters How to Implement
Clear Objective Drives Purpose Define your goal
Authenticity Builds Trust Be yourself
Value Ensures Engagement Offer actionable tips
Being Concise Grabs Attention Keep it short and sweet

Setting a Clear Objective

Before you even think about hitting that record button, you need to have a clear objective. Are you aiming for brand awareness, engagement, or perhaps lead generation? Your objective will guide the content and call-to-action (CTA) in your video.

The Power of Authenticity

People can spot a fake from a mile away. Authenticity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. Being yourself in your videos will resonate more with your audience than any well-scripted act.

Delivering Value

Your audience is giving you their time; give them something valuable in return. This could be expert insights, actionable tips, or solutions to common problems they face.

Being Concise

In a world of short attention spans, less is often more. Being concise ensures that your message is not only heard but also remembered. It’s not about how much you say, but what you say that counts.

Main Takeaway: A successful video strategy starts with a clear objective, authenticity, and value. These are non-negotiables.

Types of Video Content: Choose Your Flavor

Type of Video Content Best For Tips for Creation
Educational Building Authority Be thorough
Behind-the-Scenes Humanizing Your Brand Be genuine
Testimonials Building Trust Use real customers
Product Demos Sales and Conversions Highlight key features

Educational Videos

Share your expertise in a specific area. This not only provides value but also positions you as an authority in your field.

Behind-the-Scenes Videos

People love to see how the sausage gets made. Showing the human side of your brand can make you more relatable and trustworthy.


Social proof is powerful. A testimonial video can go a long way in building trust and credibility.

Product Demos

If you have a product or service, a demo video can be an effective way to showcase its features and benefits.

Main Takeaway: Different types of video content serve different purposes. Choose the one that aligns with your objectives and execute it well.

Measuring Success: Metrics That Matter

Key Metrics

Key MetricsWhat It Tells YouHow to Improve
ImpressionsReachOptimize for visibility
EngagementAudience InteractionEncourage interaction
CTREffectiveness of CTARefine your CTA

Impressions: The Initial Hurdle

Impressions give you an idea of your video’s reach. While not a definitive measure of success, it’s a good starting point.

Engagement: Beyond the Views

Engagement metrics like likes, comments, and shares tell you how well your content is resonating with your audience.

Click-Through Rate (CTR): The Ultimate Test

CTR measures the effectiveness of your CTA. A high CTR indicates that your video not only caught attention but also spurred action.

Main Takeaway: Monitoring the right metrics will help you refine your video strategy over time, allowing you to make data-driven decisions.

Tools and Software for Creating Impactful Video Content

Creating video content isn’t just about having a good camera and a well-lit room. The software you use for editing and enhancing your videos can make a world of difference. Here are some tools that can help:

  • Adobe Premiere Pro: For those who are serious about video editing. It offers a range of advanced features but comes with a steep learning curve. (Paid)
  • Loom: My personal go-to for creating quick explainer videos or tutorials. It allows for easy screen recording and has a user-friendly interface. (Free and Paid Plans)
  • Canva: Yes, Canva isn’t just for graphics. It offers basic video editing capabilities and is extremely easy to use. (Free and Paid Plans)
  • Vidyard: A comprehensive video platform that not only allows for video creation but also offers analytics and integration with various marketing tools. (Free and Paid Plans)
  • Audacity: For those looking to enhance their audio quality. (Free)

Summary Table: Video Editing Tools

ToolBest ForLearning CurvePricing
Adobe Premiere ProAdvanced EditingSteepPaid
LoomQuick ExplainersEasyFree and Paid Plans
CanvaQuick EditsEasyFree and Paid Plans
VidyardComprehensive Video StrategyModerateFree and Paid Plans
AudacityAudio EditingModerateFree

Main Takeaway: The right tools can elevate your video content from good to great. Choose a tool that aligns with your needs, skill level, and budget. Personally, I find Loom to be incredibly useful for most of my video needs.

The Power of Consistency and Cross-Platform Strategy

Why Consistency Matters

Consistency is key in any content strategy, but it’s especially important with video. Posting regularly keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more. I recommend posting every day to maximize your reach and engagement.

Cross-Platform Synergy: Beyond LinkedIn

Video is so powerful that its impact isn’t limited to just LinkedIn. I’m also incorporating video into my blog. The idea is simple: any traffic that comes to the blog will also see me in video form, reinforcing my personal brand. This is crucial in a landscape increasingly filled with AI-generated content.

Tracking and Tweaking: The Journey Ahead

I’m committed to this 100%. I’ll be doing both video and normal posts, and I’ll be tracking the impressions each type of content receives. I’ll be sharing this journey on YouTube, so stay tuned for real-time insights.

The Low Competition Advantage

Here’s a stat that should get you moving: less than a couple percent of people on LinkedIn are even posting content. This means the platform is still low competition, making it a ripe opportunity for those willing to put in the effort.

Main Takeaway: Utilize video as much as you can for personal branding, both on LinkedIn and other platforms like your blog. The benefits are manifold: from high reach and deep engagement to building trust and authenticity.

Future Trends in Video Content on LinkedIn

The world of video content is ever-evolving, and LinkedIn is no exception. While the platform may not support all the latest video trends, there are some key developments to watch:

1. Live Streaming

LinkedIn introduced its live streaming feature, LinkedIn Live, in 2019. It’s perfect for real-time engagement and is becoming increasingly popular for Q&A sessions, product launches, and behind-the-scenes looks.

2. Video Polls

LinkedIn now allows you to create polls within your videos. This interactive feature can boost engagement and provide valuable insights into your audience’s preferences.

3. Video Newsletters

LinkedIn is testing video newsletters, aiming to add a more dynamic, engaging layer to this already popular feature.

4. Short-form Videos

With the rise of platforms like TikTok, short-form videos are gaining traction. LinkedIn’s algorithm currently favors shorter videos, making them ideal for brand awareness.

Main Takeaway: While LinkedIn may not support every cutting-edge video trend, it’s making strides in offering diverse video capabilities. Keeping an eye on these trends will help you stay ahead of the curve and make the most of what LinkedIn has to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How often should I post videos on LinkedIn?

While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, consistency is key. Aim for at least one video per week to keep your audience engaged. 

What’s the optimal video length for LinkedIn?

LinkedIn users generally prefer shorter videos, around 1-2 minutes. However, if your content provides real value, viewers will stick around for longer videos.

Can I repurpose videos from other platforms?

Yes, but make sure the content is relevant to your LinkedIn audience. Also, consider reformatting the video to fit LinkedIn’s preferred dimensions.

How do I measure the ROI of my LinkedIn videos?

Look beyond vanity metrics like views and impressions. Consider engagement, lead generation, and even revenue as indicators of ROI.


Why Video is Non-Negotiable

In the ever-changing landscape of LinkedIn, standing out is no longer a luxury—it’s a necessity. Amidst the cacophony of articles, text posts, and AI-generated content, video emerges as the golden ticket to personal branding success. It’s not just about the metrics, although they’re important. It’s about the human connection, the authenticity, and the long-term relationships you can build. And with tools like Loom, which I personally swear by, creating impactful videos has never been easier.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that video is not an option; it’s a requirement. Whether you’re looking to build brand awareness, deepen engagement, or establish trust, video does it all. And it does it better than any other form of content.

The Road Ahead: Future Trends and Adaptability

As we look to the future, LinkedIn is adapting to the video revolution. With features like LinkedIn Live, video polls, and even video newsletters on the horizon, the platform is becoming more conducive to video content. These trends align well with the capabilities of LinkedIn, offering a promising outlook for those willing to invest in video.

Final Thoughts

The bottom line is this: if you’re not using video in your LinkedIn strategy, you’re missing out on a world of opportunities. From immediate metrics like impressions and engagement to long-term benefits like trust and potential revenue streams, video offers a multifaceted approach to personal branding. 

So, are you ready to level up your LinkedIn game? Don’t wait. Start incorporating video into your personal branding strategy today and see the difference it can make.

Further Reading

For more killer insights, don’t miss our other articles—ranging from how to optimize your LinkedIn company page to the ultimate guide to navigating the dark funnel and beyond. Get your learning cap on!

Check Out: 

  1. How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Company Page in 4 Easy Steps (For B2B Success)
  2. Unlock Super Fast B2B Growth with 3 Key Principles – LTV, ICP, Market Size
  3. The Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Posting Strategy: Lessons from a 3-Week Experiment
  4. Boosting Cold Email ROI with Authentic Video Prospecting: Must-Know Tips
  5. The Ultimate Guide to Navigating the Dark Funnel in B2B Marketing

Philip Ilic

Philip Ilic

B2B Growth Specialist

Phil helps B2B SaaS companies with growth marketing and is a deep specialist in Linkedin advertising and paid social more generally (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn). He runs a paid social agency called and is the founder of


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